Video Transcription
1943. The German advance has been checked. So-called strategic withdrawals are a
warning of threatening defeat. Within the Reich, enemies of the Führer dare to
suggest a negotiated peace while there is still a chance. The Gestapo tracks
down conspirators plotting against the Nazi regime. Even the army cannot be
trusted anymore. Agents of military security have a hard time uncovering
Girls of the Third Reich (1989)
• Scene 1. Duschca, Francois
• Scene 2. girl, guy
• Scene 3. Mindy Rae, Jeff Scott
• Scene 4. Jade Nichols
• Scene 5. girl, Ron Jeremy
• Scene 6. Mindy Rae, Francois, Jeff Scott
• Scene 7. Duschca
• Scene 8. Jade Nichols
• Scene 9. Duschca, girl
• Scene 10. Jade Nichols, Jeff Scott
• Scene 11. girl, guy
• Scene 12. 2 girls, guy
• Scene 13. Duschca, Francois
• Scene 14. Duschca, Jade Nichols, Francois, Jeff Scott
• Scene 15. girl, Mindy Rae
• Scene 16. girl, guy